About Us

Natural by Choice is a hair and skincare line who uses all natural ingredients in every product. We understand you only get one body, and knowing that, we cater to those who want to preserve theirs for a very long time. We produce products for men, women and children of all skin and hair types. We will continue to let you embrace your natural loving self by providing products free of harsh and harmful ingredients for your body. "Authenticity...we are, YOU are Natural by Choice"


We want to help prolong your stay on earth while looking good doing it, naturally.

Why We Don't Use Fragrance Oils in Our Products

Yes, we know we can have hundreds of scents like bubble gum, caramel apple and fresh linen but we choose to use ONLY essential oils (Essential oils are naturally derived and not chemically processed) in our products because we don’t want to be the cause of you having addition toxins in and on your body. We’ve adopted the same practices regarding what we put on our own bodies. We’d rather be safe than sorry and we want you to be too. We’re a solely natural company using only natural ingredients, therefore, synthetic fragrances will not be found in our products. If you read labels on your cosmetics, soaps, cleaning supplies, deodorant, lotions, shampoo and baby products, often, synthetic fragrances will be labeled under “fragrance.” The following excerpts have been taken from the article “Replacing Your Artificial Fragrances” from Whole Living:

Unregulated, Untested, Unlabled Skin allergies are the most common and most proven adverse reactions to synthetic fragrances. Researchers in dermatology have labeled fragrance among the top five allergens, causing topical reactions like contact dermatitis.

But the health effects of synthetic fragrance may be more than skin deep. When we breathe in an odor, the lungs and the skin take in the molecules carrying the scent. From these two major absorption pathways, those molecules can enter the bloodstream and find their way to other parts of the body, where they may pose harm. "Studies are showing that some key ingredients in fragrance mixes have harmful effects -- on lab animals, and also on humans,"e; says Sutton. Some synthetic fragrance ingredients may exacerbate asthma, for instance, while others can cause a range of problems in the immune, reproductive, and central nervous systems. Synthetic musks, for instance -- widely used in perfumes, deodorants, and detergents -- have been linked to cancer. They can bioaccumulate, or store themselves in the body, and have been found in breast milk, which means that nursing infants ingest them. Research indicates that these musks don't biodegrade; they've been found polluting watersheds and the plants and animals that live there. Another worrisome class of chemicals, phthalates, are often used in fragrance because they allow the smell to last longer. They have been linked to changes in the reproductive and endocrine systems as well as in the liver, kidneys, and adrenal glands.

To make matters worse, these ingredients don't have to be listed on labels. Household products like laundry detergent and glass cleaner aren't required to list ingredients at all. And while the law requires cosmetic and other personal-care companies to list chemical ingredients on their products, a loophole allows them to use the catch-all term "fragrance" without having to describe what's in it. "The word ‘fragrance' includes chemicals that haven't been tested for safety," explains Sutton. "We are basically conducting a big experiment on ourselves."

The FDA has banned only a handful of ingredients in personal-care products -- none of them related to scent. The fragrance industry essentially regulates itself, deciding which chemicals it considers hazardous. Some manufacturers have voluntarily stopped using phthalates, for instance, but many others continue to use them; in 2002 the EWG tested 72 personal-care products and found phthalates in 75 percent. Certain companies have dropped some synthetic musks, but still widely use others. Without adequate federal regulation, says Sutton, "we're leaving our health in the hands of the manufacturers."